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Sizes of foam blocks: a complete guide for successful construction

Foam blocks have long been one of the most popular materials in construction. They are used for erecting external walls, internal partitions, insulation, and even foundations. But before choosing foam blocks, it is important to understand their sizes, features, and how they relate to the goals of the project. In this article, we will take a detailed look at standard dimensions, advise on how to choose foam blocks correctly, and answer popular questions.

Useful video on the topic

Why is it important to choose the right size of foam blocks?

  1. Quality of construction: Properly selected sizes of foam blocks increase the strength of the structure and optimize its thermal and sound insulation characteristics.
  2. Material and cost savings: If the blocks match the project calculations, you minimize waste, unnecessary cuts, and expenses for additional materials.
  3. Speed of installation: The optimal size helps speed up the construction process, as you won’t have to frequently adjust the blocks.
  4. Safety of the structure: When erecting load-bearing walls or foundations, the correct dimensions and density of foam blocks significantly affect the overall stability of the building.

Typical sizes of foam blocks

1. Standard blocks 600×200×300 mm

  • Purpose: Erecting external walls, load-bearing partitions, and facades.
  • Features: Such a block is often reinforced (with steel rods or mesh), which enhances its load-bearing capacity.
  • Weight (approximately): Depends on density. For example, at D500 (500 kg/m³), one block will weigh about 18-20 kg.

2. Double-chamber blocks 600×250×200 mm

  • Purpose: Internal partitions, insulation.
  • Features: Quite convenient for installation due to their low thickness, providing better thermal and sound insulation due to two chambers.
  • Weight (approximately): 16-19 kg (depending on density).

3. Blocks for attic floors 600×250×375 mm

  • Purpose: Erecting attic floors and roofs with increased thermal insulation requirements.
  • Features: Increased height or thickness of the block improves thermal insulation properties, which is important for rooms under the roof.
  • Weight (approximately): 20-25 kg.
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4. Foundation blocks 600×300×400 mm

  • Purpose: Erecting lightweight foundations (provided that load calculations are correct).
  • Features: Usually have a higher density (D600 and above) to withstand the weight of the building.
  • Weight (approximately): 25-30 kg and more (depending on density and size).

5. Other sizes

You can also find on the market:

  • 600×300×200 mm (popular for external and internal walls);
  • 600×250×100 mm (for interior partitions);
  • 600×400×200 mm (for massive structures and load-bearing walls);
  • variations in thickness: 75 mm, 100 mm, 200 mm, etc.

Table of popular sizes and approximate weights

Below is an approximate table of foam block sizes, density (D), and the approximate weight of one block. Remember that the actual weight may vary due to the production technology and moisture content of the material.

Block size (L×H×W), mm Density (D), kg/m³ Approximate weight of the block, kg Main purpose
600×200×300 D400 – D500 15 – 20 External walls, load-bearing structures
600×250×200 D400 – D500 16 – 19 Internal partitions, insulation
600×250×375 D500 – D600 20 – 25 Attic floors, roofing work
600×300×400 D600 and above 25 – 30+ Foundations, load-bearing walls
600×250×100 D400 – D500 8 – 10 Light partitions

How to choose the optimal size of foam block?

  1. Project purpose
    • For external walls and load-bearing structures, it is usually recommended to choose 600×200×300 mm or 600×300×200 mm with higher density.
    • For interior partitions and insulation, thinner and lighter blocks are suitable, for example, 600×250×100 mm or 600×250×200 mm.
  2. Load weight
    • If foam blocks are used for foundations or load-bearing walls, pay attention to density (grade D) and sizes. Only the proper density and thickness can withstand the project load.
  3. Planning and ease of installation
    • Develop drawings in advance to minimize the number of cut blocks. This will save time and materials.
  4. Project budget
    • Larger foam blocks often cost more, but they can reduce overall construction time and costs for mortar. It all depends on the specific project and calculations.
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Does the density of foam blocks affect the size?

Formally, the sizes may remain the same (for example, 600×200×300 mm), but with different densities (D400, D500, D600), the mass and thermal conductivity change. Therefore, in addition to dimensions, it is important to pay attention to density, as it determines:

  • Thermal insulation properties (the lower the density, the better the insulation);
  • Strength (the higher the density, the stronger but heavier the block);
  • Cost (blocks with higher density are usually more expensive).

Tips for installing foam blocks

  1. Use special glue or mortar: Foam block adhesive provides a minimal joint thickness (from 2 to 5 mm) and improves the thermal insulation properties of the wall.
  2. Carefully level the first row: The quality of laying the first row affects the evenness of the entire structure.
  3. Avoid over-saturation: Foam blocks can absorb moisture, so it is important to ensure proper waterproofing of the foundation and storage for the blocks.
  4. Reinforce: To increase the strength of the masonry, it is recommended to lay reinforcing mesh in every or every few rows (depending on the manufacturer’s and designer’s recommendations).

Advantages of using foam blocks

  • Thermal insulation: Due to their porous structure, foam blocks retain heat well.
  • Ease of processing: They can be easily cut with a regular saw, simplifying the creation of non-standard shapes.
  • Fire safety: Most foam blocks belong to the group of non-combustible or low-combustible materials.
  • Sound insulation: Air pores reduce the level of noise penetrating through the walls.
  • Eco-friendliness: Natural materials (sand, cement, water, foaming agent, etc.) are used in production.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is the average weight of a foam block sized 600×200×300 mm?

Depending on the density (D400–D500), the weight of one block can range from 15 to 20 kg.

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2. Can foam blocks be used for load-bearing walls?

Yes, but it is necessary to choose foam blocks of higher density (not lower than D500). For certainty, perform calculations or consult with a structural engineer.

3. What size of foam blocks is best for interior partitions?

For partitions, thinner blocks are often chosen, such as 600×250×100 mm or 600×250×200 mm, to save space and reduce the overall load on the ceilings.

4. What is the difference between foam blocks and gas blocks?

Foam blocks are made from a mixture of cement, sand, and foaming agent without autoclave treatment, which allows for a closed porous structure. Gas blocks are made using an autoclave method with an open-type porous structure. They may differ somewhat in strength, thermal conductivity, and cost.

5. How long will foam blocks last in a foundation?

With proper waterproofing and absence of critical loads, foam blocks can serve for decades. However, for foundations, it is usually recommended to use high-density blocks (D600 and above) and quality waterproofing.

6. Can foam blocks be cut by oneself?

Yes, they can be easily cut with a regular hand or electric saw with large teeth. However, for precise cuts, it is better to use special tools and follow safety rules.


Choosing the right size of foam blocks is the key to successful construction and the durability of your structure. Evaluate all factors: the purpose of the walls, required density, planning, as well as budget and ease of installation. If you have any doubts, consult qualified specialists. Properly selected and installed foam blocks will provide a strong and warm foundation for your future home or any other structure.

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