посадити фікус з гілочки

Propagation of ficus by cuttings is a simple and accessible way to get a new green decoration for your home. In this article, we will look at a step-by-step guide, practical tips, and secrets that will help you grow a healthy plant from a single branch. We will also compare methods of rooting in water and soil, as well as answer the most common questions so that you can successfully propagate ficus even if you are just starting out.

Choosing and Preparing the Cutting

Main Criteria for Selecting a Cutting

  • Condition of the Mother Plant: Choose only healthy plants without signs of disease and pests.
  • Age of the Cutting: It is best to use a shoot 15–20 cm long with 2-3 leaves. Young but sturdy shoots provide the best results.
  • Flexibility: The branch should not be too stiff but slightly flexible – this helps it adapt more easily to new conditions.
  • Cut: Always use a sharp knife or pruner, making the cut at a 45° angle to increase the contact area with the soil.

Preparing the Cutting

  1. Treating the Cut: Dip the cut in a special rooting agent or, alternatively, use a bit of honey – this stimulates the rooting process.
  2. Protection from Drying Out: Immediately after cutting, place the cutting in a bag or water to prevent drying out.

Necessary Materials and Tools

Materials/Tools Purpose and Tips
Ficus Cutting Choose a healthy, young shoot with 2-3 leaves for the best rooting.
Sharp Knife or Pruner Provides a clean cut without splitting tissues; be sure to disinfect the tool before use.
Planting Pot Choose a small pot (0.5–1 l) with drainage holes; an excessively large container can cause water stagnation.
Special Soil Use a potting mix for houseplants with added perlite or sand to improve aeration.
Water Use clean, settled water for watering or rooting the cutting in water.
Growth Regulators (optional) Agents to stimulate root system development can increase the chances of successful rooting.
Bag or Clear Film Creates a greenhouse microclimate, helping to retain moisture and warmth during rooting.
Scissors For trimming excess leaves – leave 2-3 leaves so the plant has enough energy for photosynthesis.
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Step-by-Step Planting Instructions

1. Preparing the Cutting

  • Trimming: Make a cut on the cutting at a 45° angle with a sharp tool.
  • Treatment: Apply rooting agent or honey to the cut to stimulate the root system.

2. Choosing the Rooting Method: Water or Soil

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Rooting in Water Ability to observe root development; ease of monitoring the condition of the cutting. Need for frequent water changes; risk of bacteria if the water is not freshly changed.
Rooting in Soil Creation of an optimal microclimate; quick adaptation to new conditions after planting. Need for careful drainage; importance of maintaining proper soil moisture.

3. Planting in Soil

  • Filling the Pot: Place a drainage layer (pebbles, expanded clay) at the bottom of the pot, then fill it with a special potting mix.
  • Placing the Cutting: Carefully root the cutting so that the cut is submerged 4-5 cm into the moist soil, while the leaves remain above the surface.
  • Watering: Lightly moisten the soil with clean water, avoiding water stagnation.

4. Planting in Water

  • Preparing the Container: Use a clear glass container, previously washed and filled with clean, settled water.
  • Submersion: Submerge the cutting so that only 4-5 cm is in the water, while the leaves remain dry.
  • Monitoring: Place the container in a bright location, protected from direct sunlight, and change the water every 2-3 days.

5. Creating Optimal Conditions

  • Temperature: Maintain a temperature of 20–25°C to promote root growth.
  • Humidity: If using the soil method, cover the pot with a bag or film to create a greenhouse effect. Ventilate regularly to avoid condensation.
  • Lighting: Provide bright but diffused light – direct sunlight can scorch the leaves.

Caring for the New Plant

Watering and Feeding

  • Watering: Regularly check the moisture of the soil or the condition of the water. Watering should be moderate – the soil should be moist but not flooded.
  • Fertilizers: Applying fertilizers every 2-3 weeks during the active growth period helps the plant adapt and develop faster.
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Lighting and Temperature

  • Placement: Ficus loves bright but soft light. Change the plant’s location according to seasonal changes in lighting.
  • Temperature: Avoid sharp temperature fluctuations – optimal conditions ensure stable growth.

Pruning and Disease Prevention

  • Pruning: Regularly prune to shape a dense crown. Use disinfected tools.
  • Pest Control: Regularly inspect the plant – if pests appear, use a soapy solution or special control agents.

Repotting Ficus: When and How to Do It

  1. Time for Repotting: The best period is spring or early summer. Repotting should be done when the roots fill the pot or the plant has stopped growing.
  2. Preparing the New Pot: Choose a pot only 2–3 cm larger than the previous one and ensure it has drainage holes.
  3. Repotting Procedure:
    • Water the plant well a day or two before repotting.
    • Carefully remove the ficus from the pot, check the root system, and trim damaged areas.
    • Place the plant in the new pot, fill it with fresh potting mix, and gently press the soil around the roots.
    • After repotting, water the plant moderately.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How to grow a ficus from a branch in water?
For successful rooting in water, place the cutting in a clear container with clean water so that only the lower part (4–5 cm) is submerged. Change the water regularly (every 2-3 days) and watch for the appearance of roots.

2. Can I plant a ficus from a branch without special agents?
Yes, although rooting agents or even natural honey can improve results, successful rooting is possible without them if proper care and humidity and temperature conditions are maintained.

3. How to plant hibiscus from a branch?
The propagation method for hibiscus is similar to ficus, but it is important to consider the species’ characteristics – hibiscus requires brighter lighting and slightly different soil (with a higher organic content). More details on hibiscus propagation can be found in specialized articles.

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4. What to do if the cutting does not root?
Check the quality of the water or soil, the optimal temperature regime, and whether the plant is overwatered. It may be worth changing the method (from water to soil or vice versa) or using a rooting agent.

5. How often should I water the new plant?
When rooting in soil, water once a week or as needed when the top layer of soil dries out by 2–3 cm. For plants in water – monitor the cleanliness of the water and change it every 2-3 days.

Additional Tips and Care Table

For convenience, below is a table that will help you monitor the main stages of caring for the new plant:

Stage Main Actions Tips
Preparing the Cutting Select a healthy branch, make a proper cut, treat with rooting agent Use sharp tools and check the condition of the mother plant
Rooting in Water Place the cutting in a clear container, change the water every 2-3 days Watch for the appearance of white roots, indicating successful rooting
Rooting in Soil Plant in a pot with drainage, water, create a greenhouse microclimate Maintain a stable temperature of 20–25°C and monitor soil moisture
Caring for the Plant Regular watering, feeding, pruning, and pest control Regularly check the condition of the leaves and root system for timely response to problems
Repotting Repot every 1-2 years or when the pot is filled Choose a new pot 2–3 cm larger and carefully check the condition of the roots


Propagation of ficus from a branch is not only an exciting process but also a great opportunity to create a green corner in your home. Following our recommendations, using optimal materials, and properly creating conditions for rooting will help you succeed even if you are just starting gardening. Remember that patience, attention to detail, and regular care are the keys to a healthy and beautiful ficus.

We hope this comprehensive guide has been a useful resource for you and inspired you for new green projects!

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